SPF Analyzer

Enter domain name to find out which servers are authorized to send email on behalf of that domain.
Enter Domain Name
Trusted by over 1,91,000 businesses of all size.

You can detect forging before it’s too late

SPF analyzer will give you a list of servers that are authorized to send emails from a domain. Using that information, you can reject incoming emails from unauthorized sources before the entire body of the message lands in your inbox. And help authentic emails from being labelled spam.

Discourage phishing

Domains with SPF records are a lot less likely to be the target of phishing attempts.

Help valid emails

Setting email servers to accept emails from authorised entities reduces false-positives.

Add a layer of security

SPF is one additional method of protecting email recipients from fraudsters.

Follow best practices

Caring for email recipients’ security is part of the overall email best practices.

Let customers correct typos and enter valid email addresses. Detect and stop fake signups on the go. Add our free real-time email verification API wherever you collect emails and build a mailing list that grows your business.

Using SPF to make email security a priority

SPF records in the DNS tells you which all IP addresses are authorised to send emails on behalf of a certain domain name. Any emails sent from an IP address that’s not listed can promptly be red-flagged. Our SPF record checker uses upto 10 nested DNS lookups to fetch you the data for the domain you are checking the records for.

With nearly 130 billion emails being exchanged daily, everyone wants email security to be a top priority.

Making the best of SPF

An increasing number of email servers require SPF. That’s because SPF is one of the important ways to prevent spoofing - basically an illegitimate email dressing up as a legitimate one - and the like. Without suitable SPF records, there’s a high chance email servers will mark you as spam.

When combined with other email authentication tools like DKIM, SPF records send out the right trust signals.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does SPF stand for?

SPF stands for Sender Protection Framework. It is one of the email authentication methods designed to help protect emails from being forged.

Why should I check SPF records?

Fraudsteanstry to pose as genuine email senders and send potentially dangerous emails. This becomes a great deal easy when the original sender domain has not specified which computers are authorised to send emails on its behalf. Checking SPF records will tell you which all servers (computers, in simpler language) are authorised to send emails on behalf of the domain. That way your email server can reject emails from unauthorized servers.

What does the SPF authentication check?

The SPF authentication first checks if the domain has authorised any servers to send emails. If it finds authorized servers, it will list them out with DNS lookups. Otherwise, it will show a message saying the domain doesn’t have SPF records.

How does SPF work?

The owner of a domain issue permissions to which all computers are authorized to send emails on its behalf. So the next time an email arrives in the email server of a recipient, the email server checks if the email has come from one of the authorized computers. If the received email has not been sent from any of the authorized sources, the email server will reject the email without downloading the body of the email.

What else do you recommend besides SPF?

While checking the SPF record is important, it works even better when combined with tools like the DKIM and DMARC.

More Free Tools

Here are more tools for you to use, all free! Verify email address, check DKIM records, perform a DNS lookup, convert CIDR to IP range, and a lot more!

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