A little more analysis, a little more insight… Exploring email marketing better

10 Email Marketing statistics for campaign strategy

For any successful Email Marketing campaign, there are some important statistics one needs to closely understand.

As they say, we live in an over-communicated world. Don’t believe that? Well, take a look at the data in the following Infographic. It suggests 215.3 billion emails were exchanged every day in 2016.

And what does that mean for businesses and marketers? It means we need to write our emails more carefully, pay more attention to our words and images. That’s because there’s always the constant risk that our emails might be lost in the flood of emails people receive daily.

With the rise of Social Media Marketing (SMM), marketers needed assurance that email marketing was and remains as effective a marketing tool as before. Well, as we pointed out in our earlier post on the future of email, email marketing gives a 3800% ROI. In other words, for every $1 marketers put in, marketers may expect to be paid back as much as $38!

Which emails work better?

The next big thing that has exploded is online shopping. B2C marketers everywhere are trying to get their recipients open email and take profitable actions. Here’s some good news for them too: follow email hugely influence online shoppers.

And then there is the question: how does a marketer write an email that is more likely to be opened and clicked through?

One answer seems to be being personal in your emails. Using first names isn’t enough; marketers are using all sorts of business intelligence to understand the customer better and send emails that really add value. Understanding the customer’s preferences and tailoring an email accordingly is what personalization is turning into. Well over half the total business revenue is generated using segmented, targeted and personalized emails.

Finally, we studied closely what experts say about writing great email copy that sells, and found some amazing, actionable tips. The secret lies in paying attention to details, so you’ll want to watch closely even the smallest of things that go into your email. For instance, verifying email addresses is something that’s easy, but an extremely important activity marketers never want to miss out on.

Important Email Marketing Statistics


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